"I am willing to stop and breathe whenever I am out of peace."
--Maureen Moss
Last week I listened to a replay of a talk Maureen Moss gave on Healing with the Masters and it was the perfect thing to end that particular week because it was just what I needed to hear.
Here are some of the highlights from her talk:
- The changes we are experiencing in our world right now are a shift from "normal" to "natural."
- Any ascension is based on one thing - and one thing only - consciousness.
- Don't be double-minded. Be stable in your love for yourself, in your desire to be free.
- Ask yourself: What can I do to love myself MORE? (And not equate it with getting a pedicure, a manicure, or a massage....) Not be a victim. Not need to be right. Not need to prove a point.
- What if we decided to slow so far down that we couldn't even see beyond the present moment?
- What if the things that happened in our life were just things that happened and weren't who we are?
- When something goes wrong, ask yourself: "What do I need to know about this?" instead of playing the victim or asking "Why me?"
- We have to go inside of ourselves to get our answers. Someone else giving us our answers for $40 an hour is done. Learn to connect with your guides yourself. Have you met your guides? Sit down and spend some time with Spirit.
- From this day forward your only identity is I AM. Anything that ever follows I am (a mother, a wife, even your name) is a lie. I AM is your only identity.
- Ask yourself this question every day: What can I do to love myself more today? Answer that question. Write it down and make sure that before the day is over it gets done. Truly loving yourself is the only way to get to the point where you can love your neighbor as yourself.
From the first book I read on spirituality (The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
In moments like these I believe it is possible and I am fired up to make it happen! Won't you join me?
Whenever you are feeling a loss of peace STOP and BREATHE. FEEL the Love of God coming into you, moving through you, becoming a part of you.
[If you are interested in hearing Maureen Moss' talk, go here. Not sure how long the link will be valid so check it out sooner rather than later if you are interested. And THANKS to my sister for passing this along.]
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