Monday, October 18, 2010

Seeking Perfection

"There is no perfect situation. You must make the best of whatever your situation is."

--The Universe during a meditation

I am always seeking perfection: the perfect day, the perfect plan, the perfect organizational system for my desk or sock drawer or closet. The problem with perfection is, it never lasts. Never! 

This is one of my primary beefs about this life of ours. Nothing we do is ever done. Complete. Good enough. Because tomorrow, everything changes. And then we have to. 

I was lying in bed last week trying to meditate, but really working on what to do about my younger son's school situation. He is in first grade at our local elementary school and he is bored. He's been bored since last year and I was hoping things would change this year, but nope, still bored. 

So I have been going over in my head all of our different options: keep him at this school and hope things get better, move him to a more academically challenging public school and hope that helps, move him to a more academically challenging private school and hope that helps, move him to a freer (like Waldorf or similar) school, home school, move to a different school district and take his brother out of school too...

Each of these options has pluses and minuses, but none of them is perfect, and I was lying there getting really agitated during my "meditation" time when this little quote came floating by out of nowhere. 

"There is no perfect situation. You must make the best of whatever your situation is."

And it just made sense to me. It didn't change anything. It didn't give me the answer, but it just let me know that right now I don't know and maybe someday I will. And maybe the decision I make then will be perfect for awhile, but then it won't and once again I'll have to make the best of whatever that is.

Because this is the game we call LIFE. And, baby, it ain't perfect. But maybe, just maybe, that is perfection...

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